Six weeks ago, a very enthusiastic group of Year 9 and 10 pupils turned up at Miss Hall’s classroom, eager to hear more about the Young Enterprise scheme. What was it? How could it help them? The mission of this fantastic initiative is “Empowering young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential” and with a mission so similar to our own, how could we not have a group in school?
Following their first meeting, the group were asked to visit UCLAN and put their first ideas to ‘dragons’ as in ‘Dragon’s Den’. The dragons liked the idea so much that two of them have become involved with the group – now called ‘Woodwork Premier’. The company has a logo, a mission, an idea, a business plan, and have started to create and produce their items, together with packaging and gift tags.
So, watch out Sir Alan Sugar! And watch out parents, staff and pupils! Woodwork Premier’s products will be on sale once we are back at school and production can take place. Well done Woodwork Premier.