School Intent

The Mission Statement of Brownedge St Mary’s expresses our intention to ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential using their unique talents gifted to them by God. We are committed to providing opportunities that allow all pupils to develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations who enjoy learning and make good progress.  Through our Mission, we will develop pupils’ personal and moral values based on our Catholic ethos, teaching them respect for other cultures, religions and ways of life (including British Values) and ensuring that all know how to make a constructive contribution to the local, national and worldwide community. Our curriculum will develop the spiritual life of all pupils and through prayer and reflection they will become open to appreciating their uniqueness in the eyes of God.

Our curriculum intent is to be responsive to our local context and the profile of our cohort entry. Building on knowledge of pupils’ prior learning, we will ensure that pupils from day one will be challenged through new and engaging learning which matches their varied needs and aspirations of all learners. We will ensure that our broad and balanced curriculum, delivered by specialist staff, equips our learners to transition into appropriate progression routes so that they lead successful and fulfilling lives.

We will plan and sequence our learning such that all groups will make good progress. Challenging concepts will be revisited enough times for all pupils to make sustained gains in new knowledge. We will equip learners with the technical and subject-specific vocabulary to articulate precisely their learning, orally and in extended writing. We expect all learners to appreciate the value of reading widely for pleasure. All learners will be engaged in an ambitious curriculum pathway, whether it be traditional EBacc, technical or vocational. 

Our curriculum will promote resilience and determination as key qualities for success and will demonstrate that challenge and ambition develop a healthy mindset equipping them for life and all its diversity.

Outside the classroom we will provide a diverse experienced curriculum, rich in opportunities to develop knowledge and skills including collaborative learning, leadership, problem solving, enterprise, work related learning, acts of service and specialised interests.

Through creative, flexible and tailored approaches to teaching it will promote:

  • high expectations and challenge for every child developing high aspirations to achieve and grow
  • knowledge and understanding of core and foundation subjects
  • mastery of intellectual, physical and social skills
  • strong growth mindset, where every child understands that a good attitude to learning makes them stronger and equips them for lifelong learning.
  • awareness of moral responsibility towards ourselves, our school community and the world beyond the school gates
  • the interconnectedness of all learning within a Christian interpretation of the world
  • understanding of and preparedness for the world of work and enterprise
  • understanding of how British values are integrated into our Christian ethos

Religious Education in the Catholic tradition has a key place in each pupil’s education in the school. Whilst it reflects the Christian traditions in Britain it does take into account the teaching and practices of other principle religions represented in modern day Britain. Citizenship is an essential part of Learning for Life lessons; pupils’ study includes democracy, the rule of law and other key parts of successful living in Britain today. Pupils also make choices ready for Key Stage 4 following independent advice and guidance in Careers and Learning for Life lessons.

Parents can find out more about the curriculum by emailing Mrs Godbold, Senior Deputy Headteacher, on