During Key Stage 3, we offer a very broad, balanced and enriched curriculum allowing pupils to extend their knowledge and understanding, as well as develop skills in a wide range of academic, artistic, creative and sporting subjects and activities.  This is alongside the bespoke opportunity for your child to specialise in one GCSE option course.  Great opportunities are also provided through a variety of CASEO enrichment activities and extracurricular provision, all contributing to a diverse and challenging learning experience that can be used to inform pupils' future pathway.

Making GCSE choices is part of our Pathways Programme, and this process has been carefully planned out so that each pupil is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge required to make such important decisions about their future education and complete their GCSE portfolio. To support pupils and parents, there will be several key dates and information events to ensure any choices are well informed and best develop the most appropriate route through Key Stage 4 and chance of success at 16.  

Should you require more information about pathways, please contact Mrs Godbold, Senior Deputy Headteacher (godbold@st-maryshigh.lancs.sch.uk) or Mr Banks, Curriculum & Assessment Manager (banksj@st-maryshigh.lancs.sch.uk). Please contact the relevant Head of Faculty for subject-specific queries.


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More information that links to the pathways programme can be found on our Curriculum and Careers pages.