Inclusion and Equality

Brownedge St. Mary’s is committed to equal opportunities and aims to consider the needs of the individual in the School community. Equality of opportunity is central to the ethos of the School as outlined in the Mission Statement of the School with a focus on tolerance and inclusion:

Mission statement

If we love others, we live in the light.

1 John 2:10

Inspired by our Gospel Values we have a shared responsibility to:-

  • create an environment of welcome, love and respect for each member of our learning family.
  • develop the unique gifts and talents of all, striving for excellence in everything we do.   
  • live out our commitment to love, service and justice in the local and global community.
  • nurture the journey of faith and discovery for all.
  • celebrate and reflect on the love of God, which is at the heart of all we are.

By implication from this mission statement the “all” referred to means each and every irrespective of protected characteristics defined by law at the current time.

Implications for all pupils, staff and members of the Community

Each person is unique, with God-given talents, and inspired by the example of the Gospel we aim to treat each person with the same dignity and respect.

This simply means that all members of the community and visitors to our community will be treated equally irrespective of age, gender, colour, religion, social class, ethnic origin, disability, cultural heritage, family origin, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, pregnancy/maternity.

Where societal or perceived barriers exist that prevent individuals from achieving their potential, including explicit or implicit discrimination, it is the responsibility of each member of staff and each member of the community to overcome those barriers.  Staff are entrusted to lead the way in fulfilling this duty and to set an example for all pupils.

The School will not accept words or actions which display prejudice against individuals due to the categories listed above. Nor will it accept glass ceilings on achievement for those who experience disadvantage or exceptional talent. Our task is to break down perceived glass ceilings where they exist and to try to break down any barriers, we can to help children fulfil their potential.

Ethos and Atmosphere

At Brownedge St Marys Catholic High School, we are aware that those involved in the leadership of the school community are instrumental in demonstrating mutual respect between all members of the school community. As a Catholic School with a clear, inclusive

Christian Mission

  • There should be an ‘openness’ of atmosphere which welcomes everyone to the school;
  • The children are encouraged to greet visitors to the school with friendliness and respect;
  • The displays around the school are of a high quality and reflect diversity across all aspects of equality of opportunity and are frequently monitored;
  • Provision is made to cater for the spiritual needs of all the children through planning of both assemblies, classroom based and externally based activities


The school seeks to ensure that its curriculum is personalised to the needs and aspirations of all pupils. Expectations for all pupils should be appropriately high so that self esteem in those who experience disadvantage is nurtured at all times. The rights of all is the same, irrelevant of class grouping. Staff must reinforce this right in the language they use.

Pupils and their Learning

Pupils will have equal access to the curricular programmes of study throughout each Key Stage, and non-compulsory courses, according to aptitude and ability.  All pupils, irrespective of ability or any protected characteristics   will have high expectations from staff in terms of work and behaviour.

Analysis of attainment, progress and (behaviour) of pupils will be at pupil level and will seek to identify and remedy the under-performance of groupings within school such as gender, ethnicity, EAL, SEN  and FSM and CLA. All subjects will aim to have equality of opportunity at their core.