”I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”, John 10:10



At Brownedge St. Marys we believe that we have been created as a unique individual by God, in His image. We are special and loved and as a result we want pupils to develop to be the best that they can be and the individual that God created them to be. The L4L Programme plays a significant part in helping pupils to ‘shine’. The aim of the Programme is to;

  • Help pupils know that they are special and loved by God and others
  • Help pupils make the right decisions both now and in the future
  • Help pupils understand how the world works and how they can take part in society
  • Help pupils grow up as a safe, healthy, well-informed individual
  • Help pupils know and understand their rights, responsibilities and the law in the UK
  • Help pupils understand how the world works and how they can take part in society


Our Learning for Life (L4L) Programme covers PHSE, Citizenship, Careers Guidance and SRE. Our SRE programme is based upon the curriculum model for Catholic Schools and has been closely mapped. L4l is taught on a rolling programme for one hour a week, over two terms per academic year. It is taught by specialist teams who deliver one of the 7 key topic areas, across all Year Groups, ensuring appropriate content for their age range and abilities. This ensures consistency, staff specialism and helps to reduce workload for teachers delivering outside of their specialist subjects. Our L4L provision is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and governing body.

All Learning for Life teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by the values of the Catholic Church and our school ethos. This is effectively coordinated, provision mapped and Quality Assured by the L4L Coordinator.

In the first lesson of the year pupils are given an overview of what L4L entails, why it is important and what each element involves. This introduction has been written by the L4L lead and is delivered by all teachers.

Across all Year Groups, L4L covers seven different topics:

  1. Created to Build up Community: Careers, Employability and Study Skills.
  2. Created and Loved by God: Personal Safety
  3. Created with Equal Dignity: Living in the Wider World
  4. Created to Love Others and Myself: HRSE
  5. Created to Live in Community: Citizenship
  6. Created to Live Life to the Full: Financial Capability
  7. Created in the Image of God: Healthy Mind and Body

RSE is taught in line with the Department for Education statutory guidance and mapped against the curriculum model for Catholic Schools. The lessons are taught by a specialist team chosen specifically for this topic. RSE lessons include:

  • Healthy relationships, including friendships and intimate relationships.
  • Marriage: the Catholic Church’s teaching about marriage and relationships and the legal rights and status of marriage in the UK.
  • Healthy relationships, how to spots signs of an abusive or cohesive relationships and how to get help.
  • The role and function of the family and parenting skills.
  • The use of pornography: the dangers and the misconceptions that this can give about relationships.