Let Your Light Shine

"If we love others, we live in the light."

1 John 2:10

Inspired by our Gospel Values we have a shared responsibility to

  • create an environment of welcome, love and respect for each member of our learning family.
  • develop the unique God-given gifts and talents of all, striving for excellence in everything we do.
  • live out our commitment to love, service and justice in the local and global community.
  • nurture the journey of faith and discovery for all.
  • celebrate and reflect on the love of God which is at the heart of all we are.

Brownedge St Mary’s is committed to ensuring all children are safeguarded against all influences that might endanger their safety and wellbeing, including its duty to prevent radicalisation of young minds with ideologies contrary to the Christian mission of the school and contrary to fundamental British Values.

Based on this Mission Statement we are committed to:

Create an environment of welcome, love and respect for each member of our learning family.

This means we:

  • Provide a safe and welcoming physical and emotional environment for each member of our learning family
  • Use our outstanding intervention resources to welcome, include and support our pupils, particularly those who need it most
  • Promote outstanding behaviour throughout school to exemplify our Gospel Values
  • Reward those who live out our Gospel teachings in their actions and interactions
  • Through our outstanding pastoral care, ensure pupils feel valued, well cared for and loved
  • Maintain high levels of attendance and punctuality
  • Ensure those from different cultures and faiths feel welcomed, respected and included, through empathetic support and guidance

This strand of our Mission supports our work on ensuring that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, and that we achieve our destiny as communities, not in isolation. Our duty is to build a community, where authentic relationships based on love provide the means and the support for ALL our learning community to flourish and grow. 


Develop the unique gifts and talents of all, striving for excellence in everything we do.

This means we:

  • Routinely teach well-differentiated lessons so all pupils make good or better progress no matter their starting points or the barriers they experience in life
  • Mark and assess well, providing signposts to improvement and excellence
  • Create a personalised curriculum which allows all to develop unique talents and to succeed
  • Ensure pupils strive for excellence in how they present their work
  • Provide opportunities out of the classroom for all pupils to grow and develop as independent young people, including development of virtue
  • Enable pupils to participate in decision making that affects their lives and the lives of others

This strand of our Mission supports our work on ensuring that we see within each other a reflection of God, and we must honour and respect this dignity as a divine gift.  Created in the image and likeness of God we have, by our very existence, an inherent value, worth, and distinction, and with this held so highly we create an environment where pupils are allowed to become active in discussion. We must celebrate and develop not just our gifts and talents, but shine through our hope, truth, courage and love.


Live out our commitment to love, service and justice in the local and global community.

This means we:

  • Expect ALL to lead by example, modelling love, service and justice in our words and actions.
  • Promote all students to lead and participate in activities which promote service and justice
  • Raise funds and awareness for those in need, showing preferential care for those that are vulnerable and marginalised, both locally and overseas
  • Deepen our partnership with our community and local parishes
  • Actively participate in caring for our Common Home, taking responsibility for the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and resources the earth gives us

This strand of our Mission supports our work on ensuring that caring for those who are less well-off is everyone’s responsibility. Preferential care should be shown to vulnerable and marginalised people, and when we work together to improve the wellbeing of people in our society and the wider world, we work for the common good of all. Together we aim to care for people and work for the common good, contributing through active participation knowing that community does not just happen – it is something that we must all work together to develop.


Nurture the journey of faith and discovery for all

This means we:

  • Recognise respectfully the spiritual diversity of our learning family
  • Promote a culture of openness to enquiry and to big questions
  • Deliver a comprehensive Learning for Life curriculum that reflects and embodies our distinct Catholic identity
  • Provide and open and accessible chaplaincy provision that promotes evangelisation of God’s love and so supports each individual's faith journey
  • Ensure there is open access for all to to our Chapel; to provide sanctuary in the peace of God’s love and support in exploring his presence
  • Provide opportunities for our learning community to explore and reflect on the Good News in a way that supports individual faith journeys now and in the future

This strand of our Mission supports our work on ensuring that to truly develop a relationship with God, it is to be recognised that it is developed over time. Only by experiencing, celebrating and allowing time to reflect in all the ways that we can, can we truly experience and feel his love. Our responsibility is to allow people to grow in faith in our community whilst also recognising the many starting points of their journeys.


Celebrate and reflect on the love of God which is at the heart of all we are.

This means we:

  • Embody the charism of Mary, our Patron Saint, so her shining light permeates all our behaviours and interactions in displaying God's love
  • By actively developing our understanding and knowledge of the life work of our House saints, emulate their example as role models for our community
  • Facilitate a respect towards prayer and acts of worship, encouraging all pupils to take part, to listen respectfully, to speak the prayers and on occasions to sing
  • As a community, witness God’s love within our local parish through the celebration of faith and experience the presence of God’s love in his Church
  • Live out our faith and values in our relationship with all of God’s creation including caring for the planet that he entrusted to us
  • To continually live in and live out the ministry of reconciliation

This strand of our Mission supports our work to put God's love in ACTION, by inspiring the faith of our learning community through exploring Catholic social teachings.


Diocesan Report

Updated: 07/12/2022 541 KB