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The 'Sorted' tool on the Lancashire WBL forum website is a great resource for finding technical courses and apprenticeships in the local area. You can access it here.
Brownedge St Mary's is THRILLED to announce we have achieved 100% in all the Gatsby Benchmark criteria.
All students in years 7 to 11 at Brownedge St Mary’s Catholic High School are entitled to personalised and appropriate Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) through the Learning for Life Programme, Form time activities, Independent Advice provided by Career North, extra-curricular activities and information shared as part of our curriculum provision. Pupils are entitled to:
- Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of our careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
- Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
- Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses
The CEIAG programme is designed to meet the needs of all students in school. It incorporates the eight Gatsby benchmarks which are at the heart of the Careers Strategy. It is differentiated to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development. Needs of SEN learners are planned for and activities are differentiated to ensure access. The programme promotes equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism. Each key stage has set entitlements which are in line with those set out in the CDI framework. The Link Governor for CEIAG provision is Mr Andrew Wygladala.
A provider wishing to request access should contact Mr Jake Richardson, Careers Officer or Miss Tracy Mault, Deputy Headteacher
Telephone: 01772 339813
Email: /
See below for our Careers and Access Policy. There is also a breakdown of our school's encounters with providers of Technical Education and Apprenticeships for the current school year, in line with the requirements of the Baker Clause. Encounters highlighted in blue are full-year activities during the school day.
Careers Policy
As part of our commitment to the Gatsby Benchmarks, we are required to track our pupils' destinations for three years after they leave school. Please see below for the Year 1 data for recent cohorts. Year 2 and 3 data is available upon request.
Destinations Data
Autumn term |
Spring term |
Summer term |
Year 7 |
Parents Evening |
Careers workshops L4L lessons |
End of Year Examination week and L4L lessons |
Year 8 |
Careers Fair L4L lessons |
Pathways choices and options Careers workshops Parents Evening |
End of Year Examination week and L4L lessons Personal Statement work |
Year 9 |
Careers Fair GCSE Information Evening L4L lessons |
Careers workshops Parents Evening |
End of Year Examination week and L4L lessons Personal Statement work |
Year 10 |
Careers Fair
Work experience preparation Careers research, investigation and workshops Parents Evening L4L lessons |
College visits and taster Days Work experience Mock Interviews Personal Statement work |
Year 11 |
College and apprenticeship applications Personal Statements and CVs Careers Fair L4L lessons |
College Interviews Apprenticeship interviews Parents Evening GCSE Information Evening |
By the end of year 7, pupils:
- will be able to describe themselves, their strengths and preferences.
- will be able to tell positive stories about their well-being, their progression and achievements.
- will be able to explain how they have benefited as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences.
- will be able to describe the different ways of looking at people’s careers and how they develop
- will be able to identify and make the most of the support around them.
By the end of year 8, pupils:
- will be able to explain how they have benefited as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences.
- Will be able to identify different types of work and why people’s satisfaction with their working lives can change.
- will be able to describe the organisation and structure of different types of businesses.
- will be aware of what labour market information is and how it can be useful to them.
- will recognise the qualities and skills that can make them employable and will have evidence of those they have demonstrated both in and out of school.
- will know how to look at the choices and opportunities open to them when reaching decisions.
By the end of year 9, pupils:
- will be able to explain how they have benefited as a learner from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences.
- will identify and make the most of the of support around them, including how to use careers information, advice and guidance and know the difference between being objective and bias.
- will know how to look at the choices and opportunities open to them when reaching a decision.
- will know how to negotiate and make plans and decisions carefully to help them get the qualifications, skills and experience they need.
- will show that they are able to be positive, flexible and well-prepared at transition points in their life.
By the end of year 10, pupils:
- will be able to review and reflect on how they have benefited from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences.
- will recognise how they are changing, what they have to offer and what is important to them.
- will be able to show how they continue to develop the qualities and skills they will need to improve their employability.
- will be able to research their education, training, apprenticeship, employment and volunteering options and looking at the best progression options.
- will know their rights and responsibilities in a selection process and the strategies they can use improve their chances of being chosen.
By the end of year 11, pupils:
- will be able to review and reflect on how they have benefited from careers, employability and enterprise activities and experiences and show that they have acquired and developed qualities and skills to improve their employability.
- will be able to research their education, training, apprenticeship, employment and volunteering options and looking at the best progression options.
- will be able to find relevant labour market information and know how to use it when planning their career.
- will build on and make the most of the support around them, including how to use careers information, advice and guidance and know the difference between being objective and bias.
- will know how to make plans and decisions carefully including how to solve problems and deal with influences on them appropriately.
- will review and reflect on previous transitions to help them improve their preparation for future moves in education, training and employment
At Brownedge St Mary's all of our CEIAG provision follows the principles of the Gatsby Benchmarks. Please find the benchmarks attached to the link below and how our CEIAG provision is mapped out against them.
The Gatsby Benchmarks @Brownedge St Mary's.
Apprenticeship, Traineeship & T Levels Advice & Guidance
Amazing Apprenticeship Parent Zone -
Amazing Apprenticeship Student Zone -
What are Traineeships?
What are Apprenticeships?
Independent Careers Information, Advice & Guidance from Career North Ltd
Career North Ltd is the provider of Independent Careers Advice and Guidance at Brownedge St Mary's.
Career North are a local Careers Company who have been providing high quality CEIAG in the North West for over 11 years. Your child will receive valuable and impartial careers advice and guidance which will support them to make well-informed decisions about their future.
Career North’s Advisers are highly experienced and professionally qualified in Careers Guidance. All students will be offered the opportunity to have a one-to-one Career Conversation and will receive a detailed action plan to support them with their career planning. Career North welcome the opportunity to meet with parents/carers and will be attending Parents Events throughout the year; additionally, appointments can be arranged to see the Careers Adviser in school.
Welcome to the team
Zack North – Careers Adviser, Career North
Zack is a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser with a Masters in Strategic Leadership, before joining Career North Zack had 3 years experience working in sales, marketing, procurement and Vat and Tax within the Sovini Group and following voluntary work experience with Career North undertook the Level 6 in Careers Guidance. Zack’s passion, enthusiasm and creativity ensures he quickly establishes rapport with young people and gains their trust which is key to the provision of impactful careers guidance. His in depth knowledge of progression opportunities available to young people supports him to provide the highest quality careers, advice and guidance and achieve many successful outcomes.
Kelly Lyon – Careers Adviser, Career North
Kelly is a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser with over 4 years experience successfully working in 5 very different schools. During her time with Career North she has supported thousands of young people. Working from Year 7 on the innovative FAME Programme training students to undertake Career Champion roles through to 6th form students making post 18 decisions. Kelly’s exuberant personality and friendly approach ensures she quickly establishes a rapport with both students and staff thus supporting her to be highly effective in her guidance role. Kelly has had a longstanding interest in working with young people demonstrated through her studies at Level 3 and her Level 4 in IAG, and her breadth of experience ensures she is flexible and successful in her guidance delivery.
Jayne North, Managing Director Career North
Jayne has worked passionately with young people of all ages for the last 30 years to bring about change and fuel their inspiration and increase their aspirations. Jayne provides high quality education consultancy and is committed to excellence in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. Jayne is a national trainer and coach, with over 15 years experience in developing leaders through coaching programmes, she has been a Lead Practitioner with the SSAT for 10 years currently working with Dylan Wiliam supporting schools nationally on embedding formative assessment. Jayne authors and delivers CPD courses for senior and middle leaders and has written for the NPQH for NCTL. Jayne is a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming and is a published author, writing for the Department for Education, Trotman, SSAT, NCTL and CragRats.