Worship is at the heart of who we are as a Catholic school, and prayer is a focus of every day.

We have a structured prayer theme for each academic year based on:

  • The liturgical year
  • Our house saints and school mission statement
  • The five Ws (worship, welcome, witness, word and welfare)
  • Key Gospel values (kindness, hope, patience, justice and courage)
  • Important dates for our community (CAFOD Fast Day, interfaith week, holocaust memorial day, Week for Christian Unity etc.)

The prayer themes form the base for our assemblies, form worship, prayer thought on the staff bulletin, drop in pray ran by the Chapel prefects and other things such as Breakfast with God.

Each member of our school family is involved in planning and leading worship; formally through the assembly rota, and more informally in our form groups.

There is a different overall Gospel Value for each half term which links into our positive rewards system to highlight the importance of faith in action in Brownedge St Marys.

Please take a look at our prayer themes for each week to see what our worship focus is each week.

Prayer Themes

Updated: 11/10/2022 24 KB
Updated: 05/04/2022 163 KB
Updated: 27/08/2020 30 KB
Updated: 18/06/2020 16 KB