Primary pupils and their parents can visit our school for a Headteacher’s talk and a guided tour on Wednesday 27th September from 5.30pm.

Those of you who know us will appreciate that the feel of a school – its atmosphere, relationships and values – are so important for a successful high school like ours.  Brownedge continues to go from strength to strength as one of the most popular high schools in the area, and it is on these strong foundations that our pupils continue to flourish.

Due to the popularity of our evenings and to ensure that everyone has the best experience, we ask that you express your intent to attend through our online booking system.  Please note that booking is only necessary if you wish to attend one of our Headteacher Talks, this is so we are able to manage numbers in our hall.  Booking opens on Friday 15th September at 5.00pm, here. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic school. 

If you have any questions, please email  

We look forward to welcoming you to our great school, to experience first hand what makes our Brownedge family so special.