Under normal circumstances, this week our year 10 DofE participants would be completing their expedition and celebrating the successful completion of their Duke of Edinburgh's Award. For obvious reasons that are out of their control this celebration is on hold for the time being. The national lock-down presented a number of additional challenges to our participants that previous years have not had to contend with. It has made me incredibly proud to see how they have adapted and approached this challenge with great enthusiasm and stead fast determination. We have seen participants change their volunteering work,from working at local nature reserves to helping to home school younger siblings because of closures, take up new physical challenges such as PE with Joe Wicks and embark on a culinary quest to improve their skills in the kitchen. I think there may be a few new recipe books to come out of this period. I look forward to seeing all of our DofE participants back in school in the new term so we can continue with our preparation for their expedition and that celebration.