Students at Brownedge have been busy learning about the impacts we humans are having on our environment. We have looked at various key topics including Year 8; Iris Singleton, Joe Walker and Jasmine Counsell-Thomas have done an amazing job, investigating the hidden secrets of the ‘Princes in the Tower’ with Miss Smith. They searched through evidence since the 1400s to make a decision as to what happened to the Plantagenet Princes in the Tower of London in the Summer of 1483. They put all their evidence and decisions together in a documentary! The Year 7 History club, along with Mr Heraty investigated the real truths as to what happened on the fateful night in 1912, when the Titanic sank. Together, they analysed the evidence and the testimonies and deliberated in their very own court case! 

It has been a week of eye opening and shocking images and we now realise the importance of not sitting back and allowing these awful events to continue. We hope that everyone who has been involved in ‘Green Week’ is able to make a difference – ride a bike to school, use a reusable water bottle or recycle and reuse. If everyone makes one small change, we can all make a difference! Come and join us at Brownedge Eco Group to make an even bigger difference next year. We are all stewards of God's beautiful planet.