At Brownedge St Mary’s we believe that every child has the right to a high quality and inspirational education. We believe that assessment lies at the heart of outstanding pedagogy, empowering pupils to reach their potential. At Brownedge, we have developed progression models at faculty level, where teachers have a clear and accurate understanding of how pupils make progress in their subject. Using a progression model, teachers have analysed and sequenced curriculum content in terms of knowledge and skills to be learned based on age related progression. The curriculum, schemes of work and lesson plans are built on these progression models. These progression models must take into account the context of their cohorts. This means progression models must cater explicitly for the needs of boys, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND as a minimum plus any subject specific gaps in learning on entry.
A Teachers’ beliefs about their students and what they can achieve have a substantial impact on students’ learning and progress.
Growing a strong classroom culture is the aim of every teacher. In order for this culture to mature and bear fruit, it must be rooted in challenge and expectations. Teachers with high expectation believe that students will make accelerated, rather than normal, progress, and that pupils will move above their current level of performance. They don’t believe in limiting progress or placing a glass ceiling in the classroom. Low expectations set up a chain of low-level activities and, therefore, lower learning opportunities. When students are given more advanced opportunities to learn, they can make more progress. Ability is a fluid concept: it can be developed through challenge, opportunity and self-belief. This is the foundation of our Growth Mindset philosophy.
Teachers with high expectations establish an academically challenging culture for all. They teach to the top and scaffold down as appropriate. They do NOT assume pupils can’t, or don’t want to, complete a task, or access material. They run a no opt out classroom where pupils at least have a go. Addressing the needs of more able pupils will raise achievement for a much wider group of pupils. By providing for more able pupils in the class you are not about labelling them but creating a curriculum and learning opportunities which allow all pupils to flourish, if your expectations are the same for all. Through our work in developing word power and literacy skills and effective questioning strategies, we have created these environments of high expectation and challenge.
We believe that assessment supports learning through:
- Identifying what each pupil is capable of (cognitive and academic potential) so that pupils have changeling targets
- Identifying the knowledge and skills that each pupil is already competent and successful at
- Evaluating pupils’ understanding of key concepts, knowledge and skills so to identify gaps in learning or misconceptions and plan for next steps in teaching and learning. Assessment will include effective formative and summative assessment that provides robust evidence of learning (see examples below.) This will then inform lesson planning to ensure that activities challenge pupils and promote learning.
- Providing precise, meaningful and timely information through effective feedback on learning so that pupils understand their success in developing their knowledge, skills and understanding and know what they need to do next in order to improve
- Identifying pupils whose gaps in knowledge which require intervention beyond what is offered ordinarily by the class teacher
Summative assessment is Assessment OF Learning. It is used mainly to measure performance and clearly identifies a standard of pupil attainment. This type of assessment takes place at the end of a unit of work/period of learning and at the end of a year. The assessment measures pupils` knowledge, understanding and skills for topics studied. Pupils are given opportunities to revise in preparation for this type of assessment.
All assessments are clearly related to relevant performance indicators, dependent on year group and key stage. Examples of summative assessment include:
- Interim assessments (mid topic tests)
- External examinations
- End of topic/unit tests
- Internal school examinations
- Standardised tests
Formative assessment is Assessment FOR Learning. It is ongoing and provides evidence of and for progression in learning. It supports learning through identifying difficulties, providing feedback and diagnosing future learning priorities. Formative assessment involves teachers using a variety of methods to diagnose specific areas to improve, and support pupils, and classes, in doing so. Formative dialogue is comment-based and occurs throughout the learning cycle. Examples of formative assessment include:
- Classwork activities
- Questioning
- Home Learning
- Oral discussion
- Short recall testing
- Targeted marking
The progress descriptors are indicated below:
2 |
At this point in time, progress is exceeding expectations |
1 |
At this point in time, progress is in line with expectations |
0 |
At this point in time, progress is not yet in line with expectations |
-1 |
At this point in time, lack of progress is a serious cause for concern |
A pupils' ATL is split into 3 categories; Home Learning, Participation and Behaviour and pupils are awarded a numerical grade for each category according to the descriptions below.
2 |
Very Good |
1 |
Good |
0 |
Some Concern |
-1 |
Serious Concern |
Reporting of Assessment
Reporting on the progress and attitude of students allows vital communication between teachers, students and parents. Report data provides staff and parents with a framework for discussion with students about their learning. At identified points of the year progress data will be shared with parents regarding their child’s progress. Parents will receive high quality information three times a year in the form of
- Reviews
- Parents’ Evening
- Report
(Communications for intervention pupils would be more frequent)